We should really just relax.

Welcome to The Annotated MST, your source for obsessively researched Mystery Science Theater 3000 trivia since September 2003. We're a little more than halfway done now, so we anticipate finishing this Herculean task around the time our webmaster's daughter, who was born right before the site was founded, heads off to college (whimper). Please see the FAQ if you'd like more details about what we do here, and enjoy your stay.


We've Redecorated!

And welcome to our brand-new site redesign! It's been twelve years—the curtains were getting a little dusty and the furniture was starting to look a little shabby in the daylight, so we thought it was time to gussy up the place. The basic layout is the same, although we've added a page for our shiny new YouTube videos, and we have a fancy slider up top so you can enjoy our library of ridiculous screen shots.


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